Vaccine passport – a ticket to grotesque fascism

Talk about dangling the carrot in our face, there isn’t a more obvious example of this than the threats by the government about a vaccine passport and green pass to travel and access venues. They tell us it’s our ticket to freedom and ending this “deadly pandemic” except for the fact that even after you’re vaccinated you must continue social distancing, wearing masks, using QR (surveillance) codes, limiting gatherings and generally keep complying with a bunch of illogical and ridiculous nonsense. The goalpost is always moving and the end is never in sight. More variants, more lockdowns, more vaccines. 

Even still, we have a vaccine that does not stop transmission of a virus, as stated by the vaccine companies and the government, and according to these corrupt organisations will only lesson symptoms of an illness – if you even believe that. Okie dokie. So now we’ve got that part sorted, then why do we need to vaccinate the entire world’s population through coercion of a vaccine passport, for a virus that’s never been shown to exist with a 99.9% survival rate? If you aren’t connecting the dots yet, then you’re in a serious brain fog and need enlightening. 

So far, this vaccine has killed a reported 5,000 people worldwide and injured 200,000 (only 1% of vaccine deaths are reported). Those are massive numbers for such a “safe and effective” vaccine. Simple math will give you an estimation of the immediate death and injuries if 8 billion people were to be vaccinated. It ain’t going to be pretty.

Being coerced, or even forced to take an untested injection that has death and injury as a common side effect is such a grotesque form of fascism that it’s unbelievable that this is our reality right now. It wouldn’t be possible without the obedience and compliance of the overwhelming majority, who decided that the rest of us have to be dragged into their delusion because they simply do not want to know the truth.

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