The World’s a Stage.

In the religion of satanism, good is evil and evil is good. Truth is a lie and a lie is truth. Invert everything, and you will find the truth. But not everybody wants to. 

People would rather believe in a beautiful lie, than to find out that the world’s a stage – and all the men and women are merely players. 

This cuts deep into people’s core identity and attachment to their consensus of reality. 

Ignorance is bliss. But only for a while. As Pema Chodron once said “nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we needed to know”…

Life is never going back to “normal”. There is no such thing. The normal you think you were living was just another carefully crafted illusion. The deck of cards have changed, but the magicians are still the same. 

The bad news is you’ve been lied to. The good news is you’ve been lied to.

This all comes down to perception. It is your perception that will decide what you make of this. 

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