The Great Deception

Turn on the news. They say it came from a bat. That sounds a little strange to me, nah, I smell a rat. Pump out the propaganda and make people fear, because these days people will fall for anything they hear. Crash the world economy and tell them it’s to protect old people, we know it’s bullshit but they’ll eat it up, those that don’t think for themselves – the ones they call sheeple. Trick people into thinking hospitals are war zones when they’re actually empty, and go as far as to use mannequins to create an illusion – kind of like a Hollywood movie. Place people under house arrest but call it a ‘lockdown’, close the cafes, bars and restaurants but keep the corporates and the bottle shops open. The only thing that’s essential is making sure we fool the world, because The Great Reset has been in the making for 50 years, did you not hear? The world is controlled by psychopaths and it’s just been taken up a few gears. Channel the false narrative through that thing called mainstream media, those so-called journalists, they think they know what’s going on in the world, but they haven’t a clue dear. Pointing out the obvious is now considered a crime, and laws are coming in so that you will do time. People tell you that you’ve lost it mate, you’ve gone mad. But the funny thing about going ‘mad’ is that you are, ironically, becoming sane. There’s something called cognitive dissonance which is created by the brain – it’s a protective mental barrier to avoid the truth and the associated pain. 

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