Millions March Locations

Unless you want to sell your soul to the masquerade ? then stand up and fight for truth and freedom because there is nothing left to lose. They’ve already destroyed economies, businesses, industries, livelihoods, lives, mental health, joy, and anything worth living for. They have psychologically worn us down. And now they want to force an untested, experimental, genocidal injection into you. If that sounds crazy to you, then read some history books. Holocaust ones. You will see how the same techniques of coercion are being used to force people to submit to their heinous agenda. All done under the guise of a virus hoax. The same cabal behind the Nazis are behind the Chinese Communist Party and the Covid Scam. Stop being lazy and do your research. Stop trusting mainstream media and governments. The only reason they’re able to continue to perpetrate this Crime against humanity is because the people roll over and accept it without question. Too afraid to uncover the disturbing truth of this world, and too weak to do anything about it. You reap what you sow. 

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