How Listening to Your Intuition Can Change the Course of Your Life

Trusting and following one’s intuition can be the pivotal moment that alters the trajectory of their life. Connecting with my intuition was the first significant step in healing from narcissistic abuse and the resulting CPTSD. Through this connection, I was able to overcome the mind-body dissonance that had been plaguing me and learn to listen to the signals in my body. This newfound trust in myself paved the path toward self-alignment and self-reliance. Developing a connection with and relying on one’s intuition is pivotal for achieving optimal health and ultimate freedom. This topic, which holds great significance in recovering from narcissistic abuse, is something I am deeply passionate about.

Address the disconnection between the mind and body that arises due to narcissistic abuse

The mind, body, and soul become fragmented due to severe trauma, such as narcissistic abuse. Learning to trust your intuition is the first step towards becoming complete again, which is the solution to fragmentation. As you become aware of bodily sensations, you gradually resolve the mind-body disconnect by tuning into what your body is attempting to tell you. Additionally, you are fostering the self-confidence and self-trust that narcissistic abuse destroys and that you probably never had in the first place. Parts of your spirit return as you gain self-confidence and learn to listen to yourself.

To overcome fragmentation, returning to a state of wholeness is key. This involves reclaiming the parts of yourself that were lost to narcissistic abusers. To embark on this journey of self-discovery, it’s essential to disconnect from external sources that validate the self and connect with your true essence. With each inward turn, the fragmented parts of yourself can begin to reunite. The sense of brokenness felt within is a cry for attention, a call to acknowledge and transform these fragmented parts. Although the aftermath of narcissistic abuse may seem like a permanent state of brokenness, embarking on the journey of becoming whole again is the first step towards resolving this.

Eliminate toxic situations and people

Eliminating poisonous situations and people is part of connecting with your intuition which can change your life the most in healing from narcissistic abuse. Such is due to the intimate relationship between boundaries and intuition. By trusting your gut, you can develop your boundary-setting skills. When we reject our inner voice telling us that a person, group, or situation is distressing, we become boundaryless and lack self-control. Negative people leave your life and cease entering it when you start tuning into your inner guidance system and are courageous enough to create those harsh limits.

When we permit harmful and oppressive individuals to enter our lives, we frequently fault them for their actions. However, this is an incorrect belief that can be significantly modified. If we tolerate mistreatment, we will receive more of it. Departing from these situations may not always be effortless, as there may be emotional attachment and other factors involved. Nonetheless, the solution is as straightforward as this. Remaining trapped in a mentality of victimisation and helplessness is ultimately a decision that we make and have the ability to transform.

Improve your decision-making and eliminate fear and self-doubt

Following your intuition can help if you experience difficulty making decisions or dealing with worry. You’ll never have to worry about choosing the incorrect course of action because intuition is known as the GPS of the soul. Right there, your GPS is directing you every step of the way. All you need to do is become aware of your body’s alert signals and take the appropriate action. The more you practice this, the more you’ll find inner peace and clear out the self-doubt that causes anxiety after narcissistic abuse. You’ll be more at ease and confident in your judgement and conclusions.

How often have you wanted to trust your instincts yet been paralysed by doubt and uncertainty? The fact is that sensation is quite natural in the early days of following your intuition. The voice in your head will warn you that you might be mistaken. The secret is to do it anyhow. By doing so, you can connect with your mind, heart, and soul and end the programming of self-doubt.

The key to finding your true path

How many people are trapped in their unfavourable professions and pursuing the dreams of others? The result of not paying attention to your inner voice and desires is the most extreme kind of separation. Narcissistic abuse affects everyone, and it is a social issue that we have all grown up with. We don’t get the option to pursue passions and interests outside of those that conform to social expectations. Many of us live in a state of survival and are unaware of our genuine calling and unique design. But when you take the path of intuition, everything might alter because your soul’s GPS ultimately directs you to where you are intended to be.

The key to finding your true path is to focus on your passions and strengths. By identifying what makes you happy and what you excel at, you can hone in on a career or life path that will bring you fulfilment and success. It’s necessary to ignore external pressures and expectations and instead listen to your inner voice and follow your heart. Remember, the journey to finding your true path may not be easy, but it will be worth it.

Giving yourself permission to be true to yourself and delve into your passions is facilitated by following your intuition. Survivors of narcissistic abuse often encounter difficulty in finding purpose in their journey toward healing. One can struggle to find a reason to keep going after experiencing loss and devastation. I have experienced this struggle firsthand, but I had the opportunity to discover my true passions and desires by trusting my intuition. The same can also be true for you.

Align with the right people for your life

By eliminating toxic individuals, you make room for the appropriate people to enter your life. Stop pursuing emotionally unreachable, violent, or unpleasant people that don’t enrich your life. You can trust and know who is right for you thanks to your inner guiding system since you pay attention to your intuition. If only we had used that technique when we first met narcissists. But it’s never too late to pick up this crucial ability. Abusers can no longer infiltrate your life if there is no longer that detachment from intuition. Not that you won’t run across them again, but if you do, you’ll be aware of that nagging feeling and prepared with your boundaries.

Experiencing abuse from a narcissist involves two key factors. Initially, you may not even realise that you are being manipulated. Secondly, you might be so conditioned that you surrender your power and comply with their demands. However, developing a strong intuition can prevent such abuse by enabling you to recognise warning signs and take action. By staying connected to your intuition, you will no longer overlook any concerning behaviour. Once you stop interacting with individuals who engage in abusive behaviour, you create room for the entry of individuals who promote overall well-being and positivity in your life.

Recover your soul because you are connected to the source

Recovering our soul is the fundamental aspect of healing from narcissistic abuse. Achieving soul recovery involves resolving fragmentation and realigning oneself. The quickest path to ultimate alignment is by following your intuition. Instead of being stuck in turmoil, intuition allows you to connect with your true essence. Following your intuition also connects you with a higher power or source, leading you toward harmony and enlightenment. After the soul-destroying experience of narcissistic abuse, recovering your soul is the utmost priority.

Narcissists induce a debilitating fear and self-doubt through devaluation, which confines you to the abuser’s distorted reality. Narcissistic abuse is a severe trauma that can only be healed by reconnecting with the source. By breaking free from Wetiko’s consciousness and reconnecting with the source, you can regain your sanity and independence. The courageous process of soul recovery that goes along with healing from narcissistic abuse can be accomplished through conscious awareness.

Remember the full magnitude of who you are

The above statement comes from the renowned David Icke, who has motivated countless individuals to explore the vast extent of their being. According to David, the governing forces of our planet entrap us within the confines of our five senses, alienating us from higher realms of knowledge and personal growth. The root cause of our detachment lies in the concealment of this awareness of our boundless potential. Trusting our instincts leads us down unforeseen paths in life, provided we unravel the latent potency of our inner selves.

Discovering the full extent of your being will grant access to your highest level of awareness. As stated by David, consciousness is our inherent state of existence. Anything that deviates from consciousness is intended to separate us from our true selves. Our abilities are immense, but it has been stifled to conceal the extent of our capabilities. It is done to close off the heart’s vortex, one of the most powerful electromagnetic fields. In doing so, we become more compliant when we shut down our hearts and exist solely in our minds.

Conscious awareness can assist in healing from narcissistic abuse

If you are a survivor of narcissistic abuse but have not yet discovered the key to unlocking a magnificent gift from God, then a big part of the puzzle is missing. Staying disconnected will keep you in lower vibrational states of fear, doubt, confusion, and misalignment. Intuition is not often discussed in narcissistic abuse recovery, but I strongly advocate for it because it led me to a path of alignment and resolved many issues. I am grateful that I boldly decided to listen to my intuition for the first time. It was not an overnight process, but with each courageous step, I learned to trust myself without a doubt. Your life can transform in remarkable ways when you embark on this transformative journey in healing from narcissistic abuse.

I specialise in facilitating the narcissistic abuse recovery process through the blueprint of healing through conscious awareness. Drawing upon my extensive experience and expertise, I assist you in establishing a bond of trust with your intuition. Working in tandem, we pinpoint individuals and situations in your life that impede your growth and hone in on your body’s subtle signals. This journey promotes profound comprehension and connection, ultimately leading you to your desired destination.

To book one of my one-on-one services, contact me via email.

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