Dating a Narcissist Red Flags: Why We Ignore Our Intuition

Have you ever thought to yourself; I should have listened to my gut feeling!? Yes, you should have. It serves as a reminder from a higher source to be more attentive in the future, as it is consistently present to guide you and will never let you down. We’ve all been there before – ignored our gut feelings and made excuses for dating a narcissist red flags. But have you ever wondered why this happens? In this article, I will explain why we ignore our intuition so you can better understand yourself. If you’ve followed my work for a while, you will know I’m passionate about intuition because I believe it leads you towards your most aligned life. It is fundamentally true for all of us. The reason we end up in these abusive situations is because we ignore our intuition.

Dating a narcissist red flags: We doubt and don’t trust ourselves

It might seem obvious, but the fact we doubt and don’t trust ourselves before we awaken is the fundamental reason people ignore dating a narcissist’s red flags. I’ve never heard of anyone who didn’t see red flags at the beginning with a narcissist. The red flags are always there, even if subtle to start with. Narcissists don’t reveal their true selves in those early days. It would defeat the purpose of the love bombing stage. When people see narcissistic red flags, they doubt what they’ve seen is true. Denial is a defence mechanism. People will minimise and excuse dodgy behaviour. The fact that it is subtle in the beginning will reinforce this minimisation.

If you’ve never connected with your intuition before, you don’t even know what it is and that it exists. People live in their minds, completely disconnected from what is going on with the feelings and sensations in their bodies. To trust oneself would mean being bold and unwavering in one’s discernment and determination. Targets of narcissists, before they awaken, don’t have these skills of discernment and inner guidance yet. It takes years to build up self-trust in oneself and eliminate self-doubt.

Intuition is not something taught to us

Intuition is just one of those subjects that we don’t get taught. The education and mainstream systems don’t teach about esoteric concepts. David Icke explains it is all about trapping us in five-sense programming to disconnect us from our true selves. Intuition would lead people to become better discerners in tune with their inner being. That is not something that benefits the control system. They want a dominated left-brain society, which is why so many people live disconnected from their inner being. People don’t know who they are or what they’re doing here. They can’t connect to their inner knowing that silently tugs at them. The system is this way purposefully to disconnect us from our innate abilities.

Due to the fact we aren’t taught about intuition, we have to learn it ourselves. Connecting and trusting one’s intuition is a process. It starts with following a gut feeling, no matter how uncomfortable it feels. When you first start following your intuition, it will feel uncomfortable. Break through the discomfort and follow it anyway. Eventually, you will become so in tune with it that you won’t even second guess it. The disconnect from our intuition is part of our programming. However, when you follow your inner voice, the mind and heart become coherent. That is our natural state and can transform our lives and the world.

Dating a narcissist: Red flags start subtly

As mentioned already, narcissist red flags start subtly, which is why people will ignore their intuition. If something appears subtle and not extreme, one automatically assumes they must be overreacting. It is the sneaky way narcissists entrap people by not revealing the full extent of their character in the beginning. To do so would be to defeat the purpose of what it means to be ensnared by a narcissist and trapped in an abusive relationship. Nobody would give these people a chance if they revealed their true colours from the get-go. So they drip-feed the target the abuse inflicted upon them. Red flags will inevitably start subtly and progress into more intense levels of control and devaluation.

If someone displays red flags, even if subtly, that is a huge warning signal. It doesn’t matter how subtle it is. What starts subtly expands and intensifies as time goes on. Red flags are non-negotiable because they are signs of abuse and control. You can’t minimise your way out of it and hope for the best. These red flags are glimpses into someone’s true character. Everybody regrets ignoring dating a narcissist’s red flags, yet no one who didn’t ignore red flags and followed their intuition has gotten it wrong. So, don’t wait until things get worse. Trust and follow your intuition boldly because it is your god-given internal guidance system.

Getting swept up in the excitement

Getting swept up in the excitement of meeting someone new is a reason people ignore narcissist red flags. We’ve all been there; it happens to the best of us. As a society, we do not learn what conscious, healthy dating involves. It takes time to get to know someone’s true character, many months, yet programming has so many people taking others at face value and rushing in. For narcissists and manipulators, this is only to their benefit. They rely on people’s naivety and ignorance. One of my favourite Instagram posts is that narcissistic abuse gives us the gift of discernment. It is your shield in a world filled with tricksters and deceitful situations. Narcissistic abuse is a life-altering experience that gifts us with discernment.

Discernment isn’t just a skill. It’s your inner compass, guiding you towards truth and safety and away from liars and deceivers. It’s your armour against narcissists, toxic situations, and scams. Know that trust must be earned, question everything, realise that actions speak louder than words, and guard your heart and soul. Lack of discernment is a vulnerability that deceivers exploit. By strengthening your discernment, you also empower your intuition. Developing discernment is also about closing the gap of vulnerability, which leads you open to all kinds of manipulation. So, avoid getting swept up in the excitement because it will block you from your intuition. Use discernment and know that people reveal themselves slowly.

The mind-body-heart disconnection

As mentioned, our programming traps us in five-sense reality, meaning most people are disconnected. There is no coherence between the mind, body, and heart. People live solely in their minds, unaware of the intelligence of their bodies and unwilling or unable to follow their hearts. The vital life skill of following our intuition is abandoned, which is why people live their entire lives disconnected and end up in bad situations. It is as simple as following our heart. Never mind what the mind thinks because it will try to make excuses. The body and heart know the truth before the mind figures it out. But this truth has been systematically denied to us to keep us in a state of ignorance.

An ignorant and disconnected population is easier to control. If everyone trusted and followed intuition, we wouldn’t exist in slavery and global totalitarianism. A population with mind-body-heart coherence would open up a world of endless potential for humanity. However, more people are awakening to this truth, and the control system is falling. When people connect to their intuition, they stand in the truth. It applies both individually and collectively. When we know ourselves, external forces cannot manipulate us. It is not just about spotting those dating a narcissist red flags, it is also about spotting them within the control system because there are many.

Follow your intuition and see what happens

With all this said in mind, I advise you to follow your intuition and see what happens. Push through the initial discomfort and watch how your life transforms. I’ve said before that following your intuition will lead you towards your most aligned life. Firstly, you will eliminate toxic and abusive people, but you will also be able to spot them immediately and avoid a lot of trauma and heartache. Secondly, you will align with your unique life path because this is how the universe works. The more you connect to your internal guidance system, the more your outer universe follows. There are no downsides to following your intuition. It is only upwards from thereon in. You have nothing to lose except for the things not meant for you.

If you need guidance on spotting red flags and connecting with your intuition, email me to inquire about working together. In our sessions, we explore intuition and other essential topics to support your healing journey.

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