The Revolution of Perception: How Mindfulness is Reshaping Our Worldview

We are in historical times when humanity is going through a profound transformational process. There has never been a better opportunity for freedom from the dark forces that have controlled our minds and perception of reality. The old paradigm must fall apart so the new one can come together. The rebirth must happen to give life to something beautiful.

We are living through a revolution of perception.

Control of perception is how the dark forces have kept us locked into disempowerment. Disempowerment is a state of unconsciousness until someone reminds us that it does not have to be this way. We do not have to live in a distorted version of reality. We take our power back by taking control of our perception of reality.

The darkness withers away because a parasitic entity cannot function without the life force it feeds off. Our withdrawal of consent from the system is life-force death via starvation. The abuse matrix falls apart when we no longer consent to it.

Their greatest fear is not that they will be exposed. Their greatest fear is that they will become irrelevant.

As more and more people start withdrawing from the mainstream and finding alternative sources of information, education systems, platforms, and ways of living, the controllers of this world will sink deeper into obscurity. They have controlled us through our unconscious blind spots, but now, they can no longer. When the unconscious mind becomes conscious, the game is over.

The karmic debt of the abusers means that everything they’ve put into the world is now returning to them. When one casts a shadow, they invite more darkness into their life. When one faces the shadow, they create more light in their life. The universal law of cause and effect is always at play.

We are facing the collective shadow to liberate ourselves from the darkness.

We are coming out of the dark night of the soul to give way to a new paradigm.

The new paradigm is grounded in knowing who we are. We cannot be manipulated by external forces when we know who we are. There is nowhere for it to stick. This knowing is the vibration of love, harmony, unity, and sharing. It’s a world where narcissism cannot survive because there is no fear for it to feed off.

Everything unaligned with this vibration will fight for its survival as this transformational process is underway. The matrix will collapse because the state of consciousness that held it together is losing its hold in the collective human psyche.

This time in history is unlike any other – it is a revolution of perception and will transform the world.

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