Millions March Against Mandatory Vaccination

February 20th Australia-wide.

Millions March Against Mandatory Covid-19 Injections. 

No jab no job, no jab no pay, no jab no school, no jab no fly, no jab no pint…

Call me crazy, but I have a problem with coercion from corrupt governments to force on the population an experimental injection for an alleged virus with a 99% survival rate. 

But that’s just the bullshit cover story – the truth is much darker than that and is all part of ‘The Great Reset’ plan. All in breach of the Nuremberg Code and is a Crime Against Humanity.

The truth is too painful for some, but whether you accept it or not, this is a steam rolling train and they’re coming for you and your family. Turning your head away unfortunately won’t see you surviving what’s coming next. 

So it all comes down to choice. Choosing wilful ignorance and paying the consequences for that, or standing up and saying NO to the tyranny, coercion, fascism, bullying, communism, and LIES and FALSIFIED DATA that governments have perpetrated on the people of this world. 

I hope you choose to stand on the right side of history. Save the date and make some noise. ???

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