strengthening resilience

Strengthening Resilience In These Times of Uncertainty

The COVID-19 era has tested us all in one way or another. Even the most mentally strong people have been affected by the psychological abuse inflicted upon us. Although things have calmed since the terror of 2020-2021, the storm is far from over. Therefore, strengthening resilience in these times of uncertainty is the best thing you can do for yourself right now. It can be challenging to think through the fog of narcissistic abuse, with the continuous lies, gaslighting, threats, and fear of retaliation, but learning how to master our strength is our ultimate power. Remember, these controllers are not all-powerful and knowing. They have to break you down and weaken you so that you believe they have authority over you. In this article, I will explain the key ways to strengthen your resilience in these times of uncertainty.

Strengthening resilience: Take control of your perception of reality

One of my favourite Instagram posts is your ultimate power lies in taking control of your perception of reality. It is relevant at the interpersonal level of narcissistic abuse, but it also applies on a collective level. The psychopaths that control the world operate in the same way as the narcissist does in your personal life. They have to confine you to their distorted reality paradigm to make you comply with their abuse. They weave a web of deception, confusion, and lies to keep you bound to their reality. However, when you take control of your perception of reality, you reclaim your power. You gain clarity on the truth and can control your life and narrative. Taking control of your perception of reality is the number one step toward strengthening your resilience in these times of uncertainty. 

Narcissism is a preoccupation with oneself at the expense of others. It does not care about your feelings. It wants control, and it wants it now. Narcissists will do anything to gain that control, whether it be lies, smearing, threats, or assault. They need you to trust their manipulation and believe in their lies for it to work. You have to consent and participate in their distorted perception of reality for them to be able to break you down and weaken you. The weaker you are, the more powerful they are. But when you take control of your perception of reality, everything changes. They weaken, and you become the powerful being that you are. Strengthening resilience is about staying grounded in the truth and not being persuaded by manipulative tactics.

Strengthening resilience: Disconnect from Wetiko consciousness

Wetiko is a native American concept for a mind virus that makes people act out of character and turn against their own will. “There is a contagious psychospiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions. This mind virus—which Native Americans have called Wetiko- covertly operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering people oblivious to their own madness and compelling them to act against their own best interests. Wetiko is an Algonquin word for a cannibalistic spirit driven by greed, excess, and selfish consumption”. Narcissism is wetiko consciousness. It controls people through these unconscious blind spots in the human psyche. That is how narcissistic abuse can operate at an interpersonal and collective level in the hidden and unseen. 

Wetiko drives people to complete insanity. Once you are out of it, you see how mad it was, but when in it, you are blind to the madness. It is why an outsider can see an abusive relationship clearly, but the victim cannot. It is why the freedom movement can see the abuse and tyranny in the world right now, but the rest of the population cannot. Narcissistic abuse is not logical – it is psychic and spiritual, targeting the most vulnerable parts within us. Disconnect from Wetiko’s consciousness to regain your sanity. This distorted and inverted consciousness will distort and invert your reality. It will entangle you with its chaotic mindset, and you will become as distorted as it is.

Turn off the tv, mainstream media, and politics

I advise you to turn off the television, or better yet, not even have a television, and not engage with mainstream media unless scanning it to know where the narrative is going. Do not interact with or put your faith in politics because it is Wetiko and not here to save you. If you must engage with Wetiko, become the observer, not the absorber. You will begin to rebalance and gain clarity because you will have disconnected from the vibration of fear. It is crucial to disconnect from these media that push deceptive narratives because every time we withdraw our energy and attention from them, we weaken the matrix construct. The matrix is a feedback loop that feeds us a state of consciousness and that we feed back into the matrix to power it. However, once we withdraw it, the matrix disintegrates. 

The media wants to feed you a distorted perception of reality and make you believe it is the sole truth. It wants you to think we are in a pandemic and not a false flag event to usher in total government control. They want you to believe that the catastrophic deaths and injuries from the jab are anything but. They are Wetiko, feeding you a never-ending stream of lies, distortion, and manipulation. It needs your attention to survive and requires your trust to believe what it is saying is true. Do not fall for their manipulation – take control of your perception of reality, disconnect from Wetiko, and turn off the devices and media that power their distortion. 

Choose your soul’s survival

Choosing your soul’s survival is how you ultimately recover from narcissistic abuse and psychological manipulation. With the narcissist in your personal life, you choose your soul to survive, and the same goes for the narcissists controlling this world. It doesn’t matter how much they threaten you financially to give in to their demands – choose your soul at all costs. One has to sell one’s soul to remain trapped in the narcissistic illusion. I’ve said before how narcissists feed off people’s fear and ignorance. They need you to fear consequences so that you don’t say and do what is right. But when you lose the fear, their power diminishes because you have chosen your soul’s survival. Narcissists rely on you turning against yourself to appease their false ego.

Choosing your soul’s survival will strengthen resilience because you will grow from whatever you face. The choice for one’s soul survival will become increasingly relevant as we reach the crossroads for humanity to choose between slavery and freedom. Since the controllers want to lock us into a digital currency, a social credit system. 15-minute cities, medical tyranny, and a complete dystopian nightmare, each individual will be faced with the decision to sell or save their soul. The choices as individuals will determine the outcome for the collective. Strengthening resilience happens when you take the difficult road and become stronger by weathering the storm.

Prepare for what is to come

It is no secret that the controllers have many tricks up their sleeve – from the inevitable crash of the world economic system to future alleged pandemics, wars, and cyber attacks. The fact is that we cannot control what narcissists do. This is true in your personal life and on the world stage. But what we can control is our state of being and how we react, or don’t react, to their manipulation and provocation. Strengthening resilience is critical in these times of uncertainty because the worst is yet to come.

The era of COVID-19 was new territory for us all. We had not yet lived through such an event on a global scale and lived through terror like we did. Corruption and evil have always existed, but as David Icke says, 2020 was the year they walked into the room. It was the year they revealed their true nature. As a collective, we were unprepared before 2020 for what was about to come. But now, years later, the game has been revealed, and we can prepare by knowing there is more to come. Preparing can be physical, such as stocking up on food and investing out of the fiat banking system, but it can also be preparing mentally for future events. Know that future events are in the pipeline, and it will be less of a shock when they happen because you are mentally prepared for it. 

Strengthening resilience: Gain mental and physical strength

Narcissistic abuse at both an interpersonal and societal level makes you feel mentally and physically weak. Narcissists break down your mind, body, and spirit until you feel like a shell of your former self. The same force that runs through the narcissist in your personal life runs through the narcissists who control the world. It is dark and chaotic and completely depletes you of any joy and vitality you once had. It occurs at a nervous system level but goes much deeper than that into a spiritual aspect or what religions refer to as spiritual warfare. Narcissism is essentially dark entities working through people.

During spiritual warfare, gaining mental and physical strength can be challenging. But following the steps in this article, you can weather the storm. Building our physical and mental strength is the power we hold. When we strengthen our inner selves, narcissists become powerless. It is about standing in our truth and integrity against the dark forces. On a physical level, become physically fit, which will affect your mental clarity. Mental and physical strength go hand-in-hand and will enable you to withstand what lies ahead.

Discover or establish a community

Community is the key to our survival against the globalist plans, which intend to lock us down into a communist dystopia and control every aspect of our lives. The end game has always been about total and utter control over humanity. They want to control the monetary system through a digital currency, control our food and water, control censorship, and have us living as complete slaves to their system. Their system is the opposite of community. It is disconnection from ourselves and our true essence and disconnection from each other through the introduction of Artificial Intelligence. Since the globalists are attempting to disconnect us in so many ways, the way to oppose it is to connect and create community.

It is easier said than done because finding aware people is challenging, and some areas are worse than others. But when the agenda takes full force, and they try to lock us into a communist AI dystopia – our survival will depend on the community. Attending rallies, finding local groups for support, and online support groups are good ways to connect with like-minded people. Many people feel isolated and alone with this knowledge, having lost friends and family because they refuse to participate in abuse and tyranny.

Strengthening resilience: Weathering the storm

Since narcissistic abuse is all about weakening you as a person, strengthening resilience is how we weather the storm. Amid spiritual warfare and psychological attacks, staying grounded can seem nearly impossible. However, these are the moments when we can discover the innate strength of the human spirit. We can reclaim our power from dark forces by becoming conscious and not feeding Wetiko the fear that it thrives off. We must withdraw our attention from Wetiko’s consciousness to regain our sanity. Stop feeding the matrix by watching TV, media, and politics. Choose your soul’s survival no matter what, prepare for what is to come, and find a community to support you through these times.

I hope this article gives you some insight into becoming stronger in these challenging times, and if you think it could help someone, please feel free to share it. It can be tricky to find a counsellor who understands this spiritual war. I offer generalised counselling for anyone affected by the global crisis. If you need support, don’t hesitate to reach out to book a session together.

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