COVID-19 Deception: Say and Do What Is Right

If you’ve followed me for a while, you will know I’ve been speaking out against the COVID-19 deception since 2020. It’s been a long journey, as it has for many truthers in the freedom community. It has taken a lot of persistence to continue letting the truth be known to the world. Say and do what you know to be right is a quote by David Icke that inspired me to speak out in 2020. I knew the truth, yet I was still hesitant to speak up publicly. Upon hesitation one night, I thought about David’s quote and saw into the future that one day the truth would come out, and I didn’t want to be someone who said years later that I had known the truth. I wanted to be on the frontline early on, saying and doing what I knew was right.

The quote saying and doing what you know to be right is to speak the truth without fear of consequences. As David says, there are three groups of people in society. Those who accept the official narrative without question, those who know something isn’t right but are too afraid to speak, and those who know something isn’t right and speak out anyway.

Covid-19 Deception: The power of doing what is right

That is what I did in 2020, and I am so glad I made that brave choice to say and do what I know is right. It hasn’t been easy by any means. As David says, when you go against the status quo, you will be laughed at and ridiculed. We’ve all faced opposition and had to fight hard for the truth. Over these four years, the truth has gained momentum, and the tables have turned. The COVID-19 deception has been exposed layer by layer. We still have a way to go until total exposure and accountability, but we are that much closer to the House of Cards falling. A house of cards is always bound to fall.

Saying and doing what you know to be right holds great power. The COVID-19 deceivers are relying on people to shrink away and fear consequences. To their advantage, many people fear consequences. We saw this with the jab rollout in late 2020-2021, whereby people feared losing their jobs, so they bowed down to tyranny. However, to their disadvantage, some people resisted tyranny at all costs, no matter the consequences. Fear is a potent weapon used by manipulators, of which many in the system are. By weaponising fear, they enforce tyranny. They weaponise fear because humanity is dependent on their corrupt system for survival.

Their power is the power we give to them

It is not that these controllers are all powerful and knowing. They aren’t. As David explains, they understand the manipulation of humans at the deepest level. They are simply hoarders of knowledge about the true nature of reality. Through this, manipulation is a piece of pie for them. But that is all changing now. We are amid a great awakening, a vibration of truth gaining momentum as the years go by. We are dismantling the system. Person by person, the truth spreads like wildfire, and we return to our natural state of being, which is consciousness. Fear and consciousness cannot exist at the same frequency. We are living in fear, or we are living consciously.

Just as the brilliant Max Igan says, the awakening is simply people withdrawing their belief that the system is real. As the courageous David Icke says, this is a revolution of perception. Our beliefs hold together our perception of reality. The only reason this oppressive, corrupt, and controlling system has had power over us is because we believed it did. It was programmed into us from birth when the controllers shaped our perception of reality through the schooling system and the mainstream media. As the quote says, show me a seven-year-old, and I’ll show you the man. Our programming was instilled into us from a young age and passed on to future generations. Humans have remained ignorant for thousands of years, but we are entering a new epoch of enlightenment and awareness.

COVID-19 Deception: They win if you fear consequences

A recent example of saying and doing what you know to be right is NZ Whistleblower from the Ministry of Health New Zealand, Barry Young. Barry worked as a data analyst for the pay-per-dose system in New Zealand, and it was he alone with first-hand knowledge of some troubling information about jab injuries and death. While privy to this information, he noticed some discrepancies, which was a cause for concern. In November 2023, Barry contacted journalist Liz Gunn and exposed this government data. He removed names for confidentiality. Barry is a true hero of the people and faces seven years in jail. However, Barry has stated that he is happy and doesn’t fear the consequences. This brave gentleman was exposing the COVID-19 deception and doing what he knew was right.

Unsurprisingly, the mainstream media launched one of their gaslighting and smearing campaigns. Instead of addressing the data, which exposes the COVID-19 deception and crimes against humanity, they decided to smear and gaslight. They called Barry a traitor and called it a gross use of mistrust. They tried to manipulate people by focusing on the fact he had released the data rather than focusing on why he had done so and what the data revealed. I’ve addressed before how narcissistic abuse occurs on an interpersonal and societal level. The politicians, mainstream media, and corporations are part of a narcissistically abusive system. These controllers use various manipulation tactics that include gaslighting, smearing, blame-shifting, demonstrating omnipotence, diversion, and threat, among many others in the narcissist’s manipulation toolkit.

Thank you, Barry, on behalf of the people.

Thank you, Barry, on behalf of the people. Your bravery and integrity in speaking the truth are an inspiration to many. We need more people who have knowledge and data to come forth and release it fearlessly. As David says, stop asking, “How will this affect me?” and ask, “How will this affect humanity if I don’t speak up?”. David says it is time to let go of fear. These manipulators are counting on you to keep quiet. One must push through the discomfort of fear and do it anyway. That is what I and millions of others have done without regret. Don’t wait because the time will never feel right. Speak up now, let the fear wash over you, and do what needs doing.

If Barry had feared consequences, he would have kept this crucial information to himself. With each whistleblower that comes forward, the COVID-19 Deception becomes more exposed. Barry’s admission was one of the most explosive pieces of truth of 2023 and in the last four years. The data shows that 1 in 4 people died from the jab and the government was in full knowledge of this. They know this, and are now resorting to their usual manipulation palette of threat, gaslighting, and smearing. However, this data is now leaked out to the world and no amount of punishing Barry will change that. These controllers are being exposed for the liars and manipulators they are.

Losing the fear of what other people think

People don’t speak because they fear material losses such as a job, money, house, etc. However, the number one reason people don’t say and do what they know to be right is because they fear what others think. You may have heard the quote, the greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think. I believe we carry this fear around with us throughout our lives until we lose the fear. In 2020, when I began speaking out, I pushed through the discomfort until I had no fear. Speaking the truth became second nature, and I didn’t think twice about it. The naysayers had already said their piece and attacked me, and the ones who remained were those willing to hear a different side of the story.

In 2020, I set myself free from the fear of other people’s opinions, and I can’t recommend it enough. So, will you set yourself free in this collective awakening, or will you suppress your inner voice and succumb to fear and control? Will you reflect on this historic time and be proud of your actions or shrink with shame? The actions you do or don’t take will leave a legacy in this world. Our actions enable or disempower tyranny, and once all is said and done, you can’t change the choices you make. Choosing to remain silent is one each individual will have to live with forever. Now is the time to speak up with whatever knowledge and information you have.

A choice to make: To speak or not to speak about COVID-19 Deception

When I read this, the answer seems obvious to me. If you know something isn’t right, or you are sitting on information that you need to come forth with, to speak or not to speak shouldn’t even be a question. But as this article points out, people don’t say and do what they know to be right because they fear consequences. What will happen to ME if I speak out against evil and corruption? Because we live in a self-centred, shallow, selfish world that values the self more than anything else. Most people only care about the effect something has on themselves. Many are too busy virtue-signalling instead of being virtuous. Millions of medical professionals sit on knowledge of this democide and continue to inject people with the jab out of pure cowardice and malice.

It is one thing to be naively ignorant, another to be wilfully ignorant, and another to participate knowingly. To inject a known poison into the naively ignorant, many of whom include the elderly and children who are vulnerable simply because of their ages, for a jab bonus in one’s paycheck is a crime worth all the judgement and condemnation in the world. That is narcissism at its finest, destroying the life of another so that one can have a material gain and doing so without conscience.

Our choices as individuals impact the world

As Doctor Hodkinson once said, so many people are culpable here. That includes medical professionals, politicians, mainstream media, the judiciary, schools and universities. Moreover, nobody is exempt from their role in what has happened. Each individual has contributed in one way or another, whether that has been active resistance or passive enabling. These tyrants are dependent upon compliance and order-followers. Without that, their power ceases to exist, and totalitarianism ends. As individuals, our choices impact not only ourselves but the collective and future generations. With that in mind, say and do what you know to be right – no matter the consequences.

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