An Orwellian nightmare.
It looks to me like we live in an Orwellian-fascist police military state but maybe that’s just my tin foil hat speaking…
It looks to me like we live in an Orwellian-fascist police military state but maybe that’s just my tin foil hat speaking…
In case you haven’t noticed yet. William Shakespeare gets the Covid Vaccine because all the world’s a stage and symbolism is their language.
Nazi Germany 2021.
DR REINER FUELLMICH. The German lawyer who is suing the world over the Covid-19 hoax. Backed by a team of 100 lawyers who have all…
Blind belief in authority. That’s what it all comes down to. If somebody has not found truth yet, it’s because they truly believe that authority…
Those who begrudgingly refuse to accept the truth of the situation have dragged the nation and global population into a full-blown fascist communist state and…