How to Increase Your Awareness and Connect With Your Inner Guidance

Listening to your intuition bypasses the logical mind that tries to rationalise everything and is where you tune into your God-given internal guidance system.

Learning to follow your intuition is one of the first stages of healing. It will prevent you from falling back into familiar patterns with abusive people and help you to develop the self-trust necessary for a full recovery. It will aid in resolving the mind-body disconnection caused by narcissistic abuse as the conscious mind becomes more aware of sensations in your body.

Connecting with intuition takes practice. It is like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

The first step for connecting with intuition is disconnecting from abusers when it feels painful and difficult. By doing this, you begin to honour your intuition that a situation is distressing. Our intuition lets us know through our body because it picks up on the energy around us. We cannot live in a permanent state of disharmony.

Narcissists can only ensnare people when there is a disconnection from intuition. They reveal themselves very early on. We felt it in our bodies but ignored it because we didn’t trust ourselves.

It’s impossible to follow intuition without self-trust.

Connecting with intuition is the process of coming into alignment. It’s about realising that the body never lies, but the mind still has faulty programming.

You learn how to set boundaries by honouring your intuition. Listening to your intuition means listening to that nagging gut feeling about a person or situation. Your intuition will guide you toward where you feel hurt, betrayed, disrespected, unappreciated, uncertain, or violated.

Setting boundaries means speaking your truth and cutting off the violator at the source.

It means ignoring the guilt-tripping and trusting that your body would never lie to you. It is the most simple and effective way to weed out toxic people and build self-trust. The only people who will be mad at you for setting boundaries are the ones who took advantage of you not having any.

A good question to ask yourself is – how does this make me feel? Be honest about what you’re feeling. As you become honest with yourself, you can connect with your intuition. If you are in the old program, you will be on autopilot and miss the cues. You’ll look for love in all the wrong places and ignore red flags.

Messages from intuition can show up in many different ways. It could be feelings of doubt, uncertainty, or confusion. Or sensations in the body like anxiety or feeling uncomfortable about something a person said or did. A freeze response is another big giveaway.

The thing about intuition is that you don’t need all the answers to follow it. Sometimes we don’t have hard evidence yet that someone is toxic or abusive, yet just a feeling in the body that something is off. Highly Sensitive people have heightened intuition, and when they get in tune with it will pick up signals easily.

I have been through this process, and my intuition has never been wrong.

The body never lies.

When you follow your intuition, you will raise your awareness and begin consciously choosing new experiences. The more conscious you become, the more you have the power to choose. With the freedom to choose, you are purposefully creating your reality. When you are purposefully creating your reality, the possibilities are infinite.

For help and guidance connecting with your intuition, book a one-to-one counselling session at my website or get in touch via email at [email protected]

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