Breaking Free: How Healing the Collective Soul Can Lead to Liberation from Totalitarianism

According to Professor Mattias Desmet, the characteristics of mass formation are:

  1. The collective becomes convinced of a narrative no matter how absurd it is.
  2. They become unaware that they lose everything that means something to them.
  3. They become radically intolerant of dissonant voices.
  4. They stigmatise everyone who does not go along with the masses.
  5. They destroy them as if it is their ethical duty to do so. 

As ruthless as it seems, there is a logical and also fascinating psychological explanation for why people have fallen vulnerable to the Covid-19 collective psychosis. Desmet explains that there are certain psychological conditions that are criteria within society for the emergence of a mass formation.

These are disconnection, loneliness, lack of meaning-making, and free-floating anxiety and aggression with no understanding of why it exists.

When a narrative is distributed under these conditions and focuses on dealing with an object of anxiety, in this case, Covid-19, people under these psychological conditions direct their free-floating anxiety and aggression onto the object of anxiety.

They begin to experience meaning-making through the narrative, but most importantly, they feel connected again. They begin to feel solidarity. The feeling of solidarity is so important to people in mass formation that anybody who deviates from the group norm is stigmatised. 

Connection is what people want. We are social beings but have become so disconnected from each other in any meaningful way that it has left this unconscious craving for something that resembles connection again.

It is both tragic and beautiful. A tragedy because of the chaos it has caused. Yet beautiful because it magnifies at a psychological level the void within the individual and collective psyche of humanity.

Disconnection is what got us here. Reconnection, in its pure form, is how we will get out of it.

The slave society we live in is a breeding ground for disconnection. It includes industrialisation, excessive use of technology, social media (or rather anti-social media), meaningless work, an economic system that is a complete scam to keep us enslaved, and media owned by the same people who want to keep us enslaved. Not to mention the breakdown of the family unit and all the identity disturbances normalised in society, causing even more disconnection and division between people.

It goes much deeper, though. These problems are just surface-level stuff to distract us from a connection in its truest and purest form. Humanity has lost connection to the true essence of who we are. We systematically disconnected from the divine and the power of our consciousness. 

It is the ultimate lack of meaning-making. 

It is what we need to connect with again.

It is important to note that new mass formations will form if these psychological conditions do not resolve. We’ve seen this already with Ukraine and Monkeypox. The object of anxiety changes, and the cycle repeats.

It is the equivalent of going from one abusive relationship to the next. When people do not become conscious of these patterns, they unconsciously seek out different masks on the same face until the nail in the coffin opens the path to deep inner trauma healing.

I wrote on my website nearly two years ago that it will be a painful process for many, and perhaps some will not be able to do it, but eventually, things will get so tough that there will be nowhere to run.

With the looming economic collapse and complete breakdown of society, as we know it, the nowhere to run part is very close.

Over these two years, I have seen so much growth, which is why I have faith that humanity will make it through this. People are beginning to ask the right questions and look inside themselves for the answers. It is the beginning of healing the collective soul of humanity.

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