Fascist Daniel Andrews places Melbourne back under house arrest.

The state of Victoria is by far the most tragic scene in the Coronavirus scandal. A state with 140+ billion in debt, ravaged mental health, extreme fascistic imposition, thousands of small business closures, over 500 suicides and millions of subservient and paranoid people walking around in face cloths because they’ve been scared to death by a disgusting, weasel of a premier Daniel Andrews who works for the CCP. A complete and utter embarrassment for what was once called Australia’s most liveable city. 

As ridiculous as it is, it’s also incredibly predictable. Just as things were starting to return to normal, or rather staying as “the new normal” they’ve been forced into a 5 day “circuit breaker” lockdown over an alleged 19 cases all blamed on a bungled hotel job of course. No doubt using the faulty PCR to detect these “cases” and drive the never-ending public hysteria. Remember 12 months ago it was two weeks to flatten the curve? If people can’t work out by now that these clowns are reading from a script, and couldn’t tell that Andrews and Sutton were lying through their teeth at the press conference then I don’t think there is hope anymore. I think we’ve reached the point of no return.

Covid-19 is nothing more than an advertising and marketing campaign on steroids for the flu. It’s a fantasy in the minds of a child-like population. These politicians talk to us like we are children, and as a result many vulnerable, weak-minded individuals regress back into an infantile state. Happily following orders that they can’t leave 5km from their house, and can only exercise for 2 hours a day. People follow blindly because they foolishly believe the government cares deeply about their well-being. It’s one of the sickest and twisted psychological operations ever seen in human kind. The brainwashing is so deep that people can’t even connect the dots that it’s fascism, and has nothing at all to do with a virus.

According to Andrews, the citizens of Melbourne won’t be coming out of lockdown until they have the vaccine. They proudly blackmail the population into doing what they say, and do so without flinching. How convenient that Melbourne goes into a lockdown just weeks before the arrival of the deadly covid-19 vaccine, or should I say the covid-19 experimental biological injection. The gene modifying injection that’s already killed 653 worldwide and injured 12,044 as the latest CDC data shows. Even that is an underestimation, because they’re labelling the vaccine deaths as the result of underlying health conditions, even though underlying health conditions are labelled as Covid-19 deaths.

It’s enough to make your jaw drop, and it does every single day. The narrative becomes more and more outrageous as time goes by that it beggars belief people can’t see it for the circus it is. Many Australians are still hoarding toilet paper every time a turd of a politician tells them they’re going into a lockdown – even if it’s for a mere 1 “case” as seen in Perth recently. This madness only ends when the people say so – and some of us are still waiting patiently for the penny to finally drop.

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