Another brave, honest doctor exposing the lies.

Doctors all over the world know that Covid is a hoax. But if you get your narrative from the cabal controlled mainstream media and government who are driving the scam, then you would not have seen this information. Many of these doctors have lost their licenses for speaking the truth or have been threatened for doing so. They risk having their careers and their reputations destroyed. But they’ve chosen integrity and honesty over the lies and deceit, because they know it’s the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public and they can see the irreparable damage it’s doing to people’s lives. A hoax based on corrupt computer models, falsified data, false death certificates, and false PCR testing. Not to mention the blood money given to the dishonest, willingly doctors who have participated in the fraud. Don’t even get me started on the politicians… and for the record, you’ve got a 1 in 300,000 chance of dying from this alleged virus. Let that sink in for a moment. ?

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