A calming image of a man alone on a boat in still waters, representing the quiet introspection and self-reconnection essential to healing after narcissistic abuse.

The 4 Key Stages of Healing After Narcissistic Abuse

Recovering from narcissistic abuse is a profound and transformative process. It takes time, effort, and a commitment to connecting with and uncovering your true self. There are 4 key stages of healing after narcissistic abuse that will transform you and your life. Moving through these stages will catapult you into soul recovery and self-awareness. Healing is a journey, and it begins with understanding the process. Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to let go or why healing certain wounds seems impossible? This blog dives into the four key stages of recovery, from choosing your soul and reconnecting with your inner self to trusting yourself and healing deep core wounds. Each stage brings you closer to the freedom and inner peace you can achieve.

4 Key Stages of Healing After Narcissistic Abuse: Choosing your soul

The first stage of the 4 key stages of healing after narcissistic abuse is the concept of saving your soul. Staying in abusive situations with narcissists requires you to surrender and give away your soul. By withdrawing yourself from narcissists, you reclaim your sense of self and prioritise your well-being. Narcissistic abuse often leaves survivors feeling disconnected from who they are. Choosing your soul allows you to honour your soul’s needs and desires. There is great power in choosing your soul. Once you make the choice, you truly set yourself free. Soul recovery is about reclaiming your inner strength and rediscovering who you truly are. It’s a process of recovering and reintegrating the fragmented parts of the soul lost during trauma, bringing them back together as one whole.

Above all, choosing your soul is a time to discover yourself and define your values. What are your core values as a human being? What do you value most in relationships? Do you know what you’re willing to walk away from? Until you can define your values, you will be lost in life and potentially fall for someone else’s agenda. Most importantly, soul recovery means keeping one foot forward, no matter how challenging. That is essentially what the dark night of the soul is—you face the darkness to draw more light into your reality. 

Going deep within and connecting with your inner being

True healing requires turning inward. This stage involves introspection and connecting with your inner being — the part of you that holds wisdom and strength. In order to truly go deep within, one must commit to being by oneself for an extended period and not seek comfort and distraction by seeking a new relationship. Without that boundary, one cannot go deep within and connect with one’s inner being. Connecting with your inner self is about processing heavy emotions and rediscovering your true essence, which is who you are without the influence of abusers. The dark night is a challenging time, but it is also the most expansive. Just when the caterpillar thought life was over, it became a butterfly. In those darkest hours, it is not the universe cursing us. Instead, it is a period within our life to turn inward like never before and transmute the darkness into light.

Trusting yourself: One of the 4 Key Stages of Healing After Narcissistic Abuse:

Narcissistic abuse often erodes trust, not only in yourself but also in others. Therefore, rebuilding self-trust is a foundation of recovery. Victims of narcissists generally don’t have self-trust to begin with, which is what the narcissist was able to identify. The first step to self-trust is honouring your instincts and boundaries and learning to spot red flags. Intuition is the doorway to set boundaries by acknowledging when someone is overstepping a boundary and disrespecting you. It’s not about what others think; it’s about your boundaries and how it makes you feel. The more you follow your gut feeling and set boundaries, the more confident you will become. Learning to be guided by intuition and setting boundaries is one of your greatest defences against toxic and manipulative people.

Narcissists cause self-doubt and erode your sense of trust

Narcissists cause self-doubt and erode your sense of trust through gaslighting. As a result, this form of manipulation distorts your perception of reality, making you doubt what you know to be true. Gaslighting is highly effective for people who lack self-trust and assertiveness and don’t trust or rely on their inner knowing. The most effective way to recover from narcissistic abuse is to take control of your perception of reality. By taking control of your perception of reality, you detach yourself from the abuser’s distortions and can return to your true self without their corrupted perspectives.

Reclaiming yourself: Healing core wounds

Lastly, one must heal any core wounds that narcissistic abuse may have amplified. These wounds may be feelings of unworthiness, abandonment, rejection, or shame. Narcissistic abuse has a way of bringing buried core wounds up to the surface for healing. This is essentially why narcissistic abuse is so devastatingly painful. Identifying and healing core wounds is akin to the essential housework of narcissistic abuse recovery. Though often ignored, neglecting this crucial task leaves life in a mess. Without identifying and healing core wounds, one cannot begin the deep inner work that is necessary to break free from the chains of abuse.

To find out more about healing core wounds, download my free eBook, Healing Through Conscious Awareness. Additionally, working with a counsellor or therapist can provide the space to explore these deep-seated issues. As a result through this process, you can release the pain of the past and step into a future of self-compassion and resilience.

When we are in a narcissistic trance, we cannot do the necessary inner work. Only when we are
actively engaged in the inner work does recovery begin.

natalie daly

Embracing the journey

Healing from narcissistic abuse is not linear. You may revisit stages as new growth layers emerge or old stuff resurfaces. Be patient and gentle with yourself throughout this journey. Choose your soul no matter what and embark on soul recovery and self-awareness. During this period, go deep within and connect with your inner being without seeking distractions. In these moments, you will uncover your innate strength and wisdom. Trust yourself no matter what; know that your intuition is always guiding you and helping you to set boundaries. Lastly, go to the root of the problem by healing those core wounds. Remember, each step brings you closer to reclaiming your inner power and living a life aligned with your true essence.

Don’t forget to download Healing Through Conscious Awareness for deeper insights and practical guidance. For personalised support on your journey, reach out to explore working together.

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