2 + 2 = 5

At least 90% of the population believe there is a deadly pandemic. They turn on the television, radio, Google, social media, or read a newspaper and the only rhetoric is Covid. Repetition is a powerful form of mind control because it programs the mind to register something as significant and real – simply by repetition. Repeat a lie long enough and it becomes real in the minds of those who have no desire to question anything because they naively, ignorantly, arrogantly, and stupidly believe that the system that enslaves humanity is not corrupt. Add to the mind control techniques coercion, intimidation, trauma-based mind control, and blatant lies and falsified data and you’ve got a population in a  pretty heavy state of psychosis. 

Reality tells us a different story. It tells us that there is a 99% chance of surviving this alleged virus. A virus described as having “flu-like symptoms” which has magically made the flu disappear. The average age of getting the virus is higher than the average life expectancy. The PCR test used to test the virus is fundamentally flawed and has been determined to be 100% false. The virus has never been isolated, therefore never been proven to exist. Covid goes on the death certificate for all other causes, and anyone who dies within 60 days of a positive test is put down as a Covid death. The average overall death rate did not increase in 2020. Hospitals all over the world are completely empty as seen on footage, which people are imprisoned for filming. It tells us that there has been significant economic, political, and social changes made in the name of the virus for ‘The Great Reset’ by The World Economic Forum – a tiny group of elite billionaires who figure out how they can hoard and control the world’s wealth.

Anyone who points out these evidence-based facts is deemed a “conspiracy theorist” and a danger to society. It’s another manipulated perception that is not based on reality, but has become the collective reality of the ignorant minded. As a result, we are all forced to live in a society where 2+2=5 otherwise known as doublethink described in George Orwell’s 1984, the totalitarian dystopian nightmare we are now living in.

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